Wednesday, 28 February 2018

How to Save Energy in Your Kitchen?

Your kitchen is probably the part of your home concentrating most electronic devices. If you want to reduce the costs of your energy bill, you can immediately get started with our energy consulting services.
If you're planning to dramatically reduce the power consumption of your kitchen, it's not enough to just buy very cheap appliances. You still have to adapt the way you cook, use the appliances and keep the food. EnergyCES offers you some energy consulting services and tips.

Refrigerator and freezer

The biggest energy savers in your kitchen are the fridge and its freezer. So from the beginning, opt for energy efficient appliances. You will not regret your investment in the long term. To recognize the most economical devices on the market, rely on the A + or A ++ label. Also, consider where you will place them. Avoid hot places (in the sun, near the stove, etc) in which case they will consume more energy than get our energy consulting services..
Use them intelligently: do not leave the doors open (even for two minutes), do not choose a model too big for your family, regularly defrost your freezer (2mm of frost increases your consumption by 10%), thaw your frozen products in the refrigerator (they will provide extra cold), etc.

Choose the right cook

There are different kinds of cookers and therefore the energy consumption can vary greatly. Gas stoves are often the most advantageous. Indeed, unlike electric heaters, the gas does not require preheating: so the heat is immediate and you need less time to heat your food. Electric heaters often require twice the energy required by a gas stove.
If, however, you have no choice because you are not connected to gas, you can still save energy by installing induction hobs. These heats very quickly and avoid a significant loss of heat. They thus make it possible to reduce the consumption with our energy consulting services.

Microwave oven

Did you know that every time you open your oven, you lose at least 25°C? In other words, your dish will take longer to be definitely ready. You can also cut your oven 10 minutes before the scheduled end of cooking. As long as you do not open your oven, the heat continues to circulate and your dish to simmer.

Sunday, 25 February 2018


Saving energy becomes a priority for everyone. Find out what solutions exist to reduce your energy bill and what simple steps to take.

Heat cheaper
How to reduce your energy bill?
The control of energy is both an individual and collective. It is the responsibility of all of us to change our thoughtless and energetic behaviors. 

Individual efforts often have little effect on many of the waste generated by the organization of our society, which has been built around the consumer society where from an early age the habit is taken to squander energy.

Who has not heard of thermal diagnosis?
Whether for small development works or a heavy rehabilitation, it remains to engage the good work.
Those likely to offer you a fast and sustainable return on investment. To do this, it is essential to proceed in stages. 

EnergyCES accompanies you during the three main phases:
 Make a thermal diagnosis.
 Invest in high-performance insulation.
 Opt for the right energy to make your home more economical.
In the short term, the cost of traditional energy will increase and consume less energy for heating will ease your wallet.
Isolation: a priority
To insulate one's home well is to reduce one's energy bill and it is a priority and an essential complement before investing in a new heating system. EnergyCES takes stock of the true profitability of all equipment.

EnergyCES provides you with relevant advice on all aspects of housing, sustainable energy savings solutions and the energies of the future. EnergyCES makes a personalized diagnosis that takes into account your needs, your desires, your technical constraints and, of course, your financial possibilities.

EnergyCES also carries out a global thermal assessment of the building, which is a pre-work procedure, designed to identify priority interventions and potential sources of savings.

EnergyCES offers you the best energy savings solutions, quantifies your project, optimizes your budget and puts you in touch with selected building professionals who offer a quote (heating, insulation, energy) based on the recommendations of EnergyCES and engage on technical and quality requirements to ensure the smooth running of your project.

Friday, 16 February 2018

EnergyCES Green Energy Consultancy Saves Money & Environment

Are you running a factory, office or other business which consumes lots of electricity? If yes then probably you are giving out lots of your profit percentage in electricity bills. Most of the people make their mindset that they have to give out their 30 to 40% in electricity bills as running big business needs this kind of commitment. If you are one of them, then you need right direction.

Let us tell you about EnergyCES which specialize in energy audits, low rate energy supply, energy consulting and solar paneling. EnergyCES is best green energy consultancy in the New Jersey. By taking up their service, you can cut down your energy bills up to 30%. Yes, we are not kidding. 30% is huge.
Being a best green energy consultancy, you will always get best energy solutions as the company has already had a vast network of suppliers, reverse auctions, aggregations and more. It provides its services to all major commercial and industrial establishments. These are offices, townships, restaurants, supermarkets, chambers of commerce offices, hotels, industrial buildings, factories, schools, hospitals and many others.
To ensure providing budget-friendly prices company collaborate with leading supply chains who ensure providing green energy. If you want to know what exactly green energy then knows that green energy is environmental and renewable energy of the sun, water, wind, earth, and air.
EnergyCES ensures that you will always get the best as they have full professional team who will first check your business requirement and provide you best solution. CES’s experts are well trained and experienced and know exactly which type of product would be the most suitable for your business. They provide a light replacement, bill audits, energy audits, and renewable energy in Edison, NJ. So friends what are you waiting for joining hands with CES will help you to save up to 30 % or even more on your annual expenditures. If you have any question, then feel free to contact EnergyCES right now as best green energy consultancy is ready to serve you.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Hire Elite Energy Management Consultants To Save Your Electricity Bills

Custom Energy Solutions (CES) is the leading renewable energy consulting agency in New Jersey that renders the state-of-the-art energy solutions and efficient lighting systems to the patrons. We are engaged in offering the top-notch energy services as per the industry norms to cut the electricity bills as much as possible for your business. 

The utility bills are the significant expense of almost every business. So, our experienced energy management consultants use cutting-edge technology, methods, and tools in the manufacturing of the high-grade panels and that too as per the global standards. Our certified energy consultants also give top advice and tips for the great energy management. Our agency also follows a goal-oriented strategy to accomplish refined energy usage and lowest electric/gas rate for your business.

Being the # 1 our trader of green energy, our qualitative assortment includes energy audits, bill audits, light replacement, solar paneling, low rate energy supply, and energy consulting and much more. Moreover, we also render our services to every commercial and industrial organization of every size. The valuable customers can avail our services at the rock-bottom rates and in customizations. In fact, the clients appreciate us for well-planned systems and hassle-free management.

Our professional energy management consultants help us to cater every diverse demand of patrons efficiently. Our quality consultancy services proved to be quite beneficial to lower the energy costs without hampering the production or quality. Thereby, this creates safer, relaxed conditions and also reduces the carbon footprint. Each client praises our products for their attributes such as accurate dimensions, robust structure, longer functional life and high efficiency.

Additionally, we also help you link with the top low-cost energy suppliers to save a big percentage of energy bills every month so that you focus more on growing your business, not on the energy costs. Over the past years, we have greatly acquired the unmatched knowledge base, and today we can offer the utmost satisfaction to our clients. In fact, we also ensure that every service is executed efficiently and within the prescribed time limit.

We have worked with the most prominent suppliers and have pioneered in offering the solar and co-generation installations at an affordable rate. CES is the best alternative to your current energy supply requirements. The main goal of our firm is to motivate every business to switch towards the best eco-friendly energy to manage the significant issues like as shortage of energy supply and global warming. So, recruit our top energy management consultants today for greater energy saving!!

Monday, 5 February 2018

Benefits of Energy Efficiency Management Company for Your Organization

The energy management is increasingly present in companies or public facilities, from Corporate Social Responsibility policies, to control facilities by energy saving solutions to enhance energy saving or contracting supply points.

Your energy manager

The figure of the energy manager becomes the key element so that an organization, regardless of its nature or size, can achieve desirable objectives of efficiency and energy saving; of commitment to the environment and to society; as well as improving competitiveness in their production processes.
In particular, tasks related to the supply and consumption of energy, and in particular the need to make efficient use of energy to promote energy savings, consume valuable resources for an organization, due to its increasing complexity.

Promotion of energy savings

The experience of creating a leading company in the promotion of energy savings solutions makes it a fundamental partner for your organization, with whom you can entrust your energy saving management tasks. In this way, Energyces becomes the energy manager of your company, being able to use your resources in those tasks that generate value for your organization.
Meanwhile, your energy saving management is in good hands. With the support of Energyces, your organization will obtain the best advantages that the energy market can offer with less effort.
In addition, given the experience of creating as an engineering company specializing in efficiency and energy savings, we will recommend you to outsource your energy consumption in the most appropriate cases. In this way, it leaves in expert hands the implementation of energy saving measures to an Energy Services Company that, after analyzing its facilities, will propose the solution to your needs and without spending a single euro.
With renewable energy consulting companies, saving energy created will provide energy solutions for the day-to-day organization, regardless of the nature in question. In addition, you can take help of Energyces's trained staff in energy saving management for complete custom energy saving solutions.
Energyces offers energy management services through its different branches.